Cabo Verde Common Country Analysis 2020

The Common Country Analysis (CCA) delivers integrated and evidence-based joint analysis of the context for sustainable development in Cabo Verde. It connects the analysis of issues for the achievement of each Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), and across SDGs, with the overall commitment to leave no one behind, and focusing on the action of the Government, civil society and private sector to reach their sustainable development strategy. The CCA goes beyond past or “snapshot” analysis, to be forward-looking and projecting to 2030 and beyond. It is data-driven and builds an evidence base that is sensitive to dynamic changes, going from problem identification to data collection and analysis to forecasting. It is inspired by the SDGs and the national sustainable development strategy - Cabo Verde Ambition 2030, corresponding to the Sustainable Development Plans (PEDS 2017-2021 and PEDS II), considering the challenges that COVID-19 is bringing to the country and to the people. The preparation of the CCA was largely fed by the guiding principles for the rollout of the UN framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19 at country level, notably the COVID-19 Socioeconomic impact assessment (SEIA) and National Socioeconomic Response and Recovery Plan (SERP).